Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Thanksgiving Reflections

Thanksgiving has recently become my favorite holiday. There is no stress in buying gifts for each other, no stress in decorating, it's just a time to be together as a family, enjoy a wonderful meal and reflect on what you are thankful for. Unfortunately, this time of year, I also get caught up in the busyness of the season and I have been very ungrateful lately. I feel like I have been complaining a LOT, when I should be thanking God every single minute for what He has blessed me with.

I have a beautiful, smart, funny, precious baby girl that I am so honored to be her mother. I can't think about what life would be like without her because it's just not possible. I take for granted that she is healthy and strong. So many people have lost their babies, or have sick children in the hospital. My heart breaks for them and I wish Jesus would just come back right now so they wouldn't have to go through any more pain and heartache. Thank you God for a healthy daughter.

I have an amazing husband. Josh is who I want to be like the most. He is patient, kind, giving, wise and all the things I need to be more like. Thank you God for my best friend.

One of these days, I will get the courage to post about my mom, but for right now I will just say that I miss her every single day. There is a void there, and it gets better with time, but a mother and daughter are connected forever and there will always be a little piece of me missing. I wish I could hug her one more time and tell her that I love her. Lately, I have been very jealous of people that have married parents that they are close with. I can't tell you what I would give to have that. That is something that I want to give to Addi. I want to give her stability, and I don't want her to ever worry about me and Josh. I am thankful for Josh's family and how they have become my family too.

I am thankful for friends. Josh teases me all the time about my "blog friends", but some of my twitter friends, and blog friends, that I've never met before, and some I have, but I count them as close friends. It may sound silly, but I have connected with some of these ladies and I go to them for advice and encouragement. My "real life" friends are amazing too. :)

I am thankful to be able to put food on the table. This is something I take for granted, because we've never had to worry about where our next meal is coming from. I forget just how many hungry people there are in our community. It truly breaks my heart to think about a baby or child not having enough to eat. I was challenged by this blog, A Thanksgiving Dinner for Everyone, to do something. To not just sit there and feel sad, but to actually give. I am going to put in a couple calls this afternoon to various churches and see what else we can do to help out. Will you join me in helping out your community this Thanksgiving?


  1. What a heart felt post Ashely! Thank you for sharing!

  2. What a sweet and wonderful post! Loved it. :)

  3. This is so beautifully written! It is so easy to get caught up in all the "bad" things we have going on and it's a nice reminder to stop and realize just how lucky we are. Thank you!

  4. Thanks for sharing Ashley and reminding us that just because we have food, etc. not everyone does. I love my little community as we all make sure each other are fine and help those that need a little help... rather it be a loaf of bread or a check to pay their electric and what is nice they give back in the way they can if it's just babysitting a child or a sick person or working in a yard...or fixing up the church... It's nice to see how it works I wish all communities would be like this than all would be taken care of...If I don't see you enjoy your Thanksgiving and I will wait to share it with your posts...I know I miss my Mom also...So glad she was chosen to be mine... She like you did everything she could to make our Holidays special!!! Love you Josh and Addie...Great Aunt Jean

  5. I feel so blessed to be one of your "real life" friends. You are a fabulous friend and I love you so much! :D
    This post shows just how amazing and loving you are.


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