Hey everyone! We are slowly, but surely getting better! Wednesday was a pretty bad day. It seemed like me and Addi got worse, and to top it off Tuesday night, Addi didn't sleep hardly at all. So...Wednesday was an adventure! I was a zombie. Josh can attest to that! When he came home, he asked me several times if I was okay, because I think he had been trying to talk to me, but I was just in a daze. I took a nap after dinner while he and Addi watched TV. I slept for 3 hours and it was wonderful! We have been working in shifts at night. Last night, I took the midnight to 5 a.m. shift. It went pretty good, Addi slept pretty good till about 4:30, then woke up crying and couldn't get comfortable. So Josh took over from there. Apparently she slept really good for him and we all got to sleep in till 9:30! Much needed! I felt a lot better today. And I think Addi did too. Josh got us on an antibiotic and I think it's helping a lot. :)
Oh and Cassie came over and helped us today! We had a great time hanging out with her and she made us the most amazing corn chowder EVER! I am going to ask her for the recipe and post it, because you need it in your life. It was such good comfort food! Thank you Cassie!
Here are some pics that I've taken with my phone. I haven't had my camera, and haven't really had to energy to grab it and take a picture, so sorry for the bad quality! Haha!
At the hospital on Sunday.
Sunday night, she was sooo not happy being in the bath!
Monday, not too sick to pull all her clothes out!
We've been watching LOTS of Disney movies, haha! My new fav is Ratatouille!
Sleepy girl!
This is from today, she played a lot, definitely starting to feel better!
She also started climbing in her toy basket today. Cracks me up!
Hope y'all had a great day!