Well Remus ran away...again. There must be a dog in the neighborhood that's in heat, because last week every time we would open the door, Remus would bolt. He always comes back, but sometimes its like 30 minutes before he makes it back. There is no chasing him because he thinks its a game and just runs away faster. Frustrating to say the least. Anyways, so last Wednesday I was getting loaded up to head to Searcy. I had a hair appointment at 10 and we were already running late, so as soon as I open the door Remus just took off. I didn't have time to wait around on him to come back so I left thinking, "oh he'll be back and will just chill on the front steps till I get back." Wrong. When I got back home that afternoon there was no sign of him, but what was really sad was there was little yellow paw prints on the front door, I guess he was pawing at the door trying to get in. :( Anyways, we are going to start a more active search today and see what happens. Last time he ran away he was just down the street at a neighbor's house having a little dog vacay, so hopefully he's being taken care of somewhere!

Oh I hope you find him! He'll turn up I'm sure.