After dinner, Addi played with her grandpa and Lila, and cousins and great grandparents and aunt and uncle. I don't think she was bored to say the least! She decided she didn't want to miss out on all the excitement by going to bed, so she stayed up wayyy past her bedtime. She had alot of fun though.
We finally decided to walk across the yard in between rain drops to Josh's grandparents house and try to put Addi down for the night. Even though sister girl was in a crib, with her sound machine, she still didn't sleep very well at all! She woke up every two hours and it was awful! Needless to say we were very thankful when Josh's family took her when she woke up the next morning and let us sleep in! Me and Fran did manage to sew a little bit which is always fun. I have so much to learn! Saturday morning we went to Hadley's birthday party! I cannot believe she is one! Well, she'll be one next week, but I still can't believe it! I get a little teary eyed thinking about it! The party was so much fun and Janelle decorated it sooo cute. It was candy-land themed and there were so many creative touches that made it so special. The cake was amazing too! There were a lot of babies there so it was kinda crazy, but super fun! Addi had a great time. She was a little zoned because she was so tired! We finally got to meet the other Addison and she is just as cute and spunky as Tamra says!
After the party we headed back to Little Rock and on the interstate we saw real life storm chasers! It was so exciting and I felt a little weird taking pictures of random people while driving, but our windows are tinted and even if they saw me I'm sure they like people taking pictures of least that's what I'll tell myself.
I don't think they were the "Storm Chasers" from Discovery Channel, but they had some serious equipment with them. That night I went to Cajun's to Elizabeth's lingerie shower. It was so much fun to have a girl's night out, even though we were all a little scared of the storms around us! Elizabeth got a lot of great stuff and we laughed so much, it was a great night. I made it home safe and sound, despite Kavanaugh being flooded and me nearly having a panic attack because I thought my car was going to float away! Haha.
On Sunday we actually went to early service at church! It was our first time to go that early, but since Addi was up and that works better for her schedule, we thought we would give it a try and we really liked it! After church we went to Kroger to get some stuff to smoke that night. We decided on ribs and chicken. It was sooo good! Josh is getting really good at smoking stuff. Our meal consisted of smoked ribs and chicken legs, grilled corn, fried okra, lays potato chips and mini strawberry shortcake. Yum! It was also fun to watch Landon and Carson try to feed Addi baby food, I guess two bites is a success for their first time!
Despite the terrible sleep we got Friday night and all the storms Saturday, it was a wonderful weekend! Hope yours was great too!

This was not a good post to read as I sit here eating a boring Ham sandwich.. haha. I will just have to live through you I guess! Glad you weren't hit by the storms too hard!