Yesterday me and Addi went to Searcy for a couple of reasons. Number one was to get my hair done, number two was to have a playdate with Janelle and Rachel, and number three was to get a massage!!! Yes, I had a massage yesterday and it was wonderful. I am loving all the benefits I seem to be reaping from the family's trades. Haha! Seriously, I couldn't have it better. Jeanette is a hairstylist, Francis is going to be a masseuse, Fran is a sewing wizard, and not to mention the medical team we've got going on, we're all set! I had a great time getting my hair done, and I love the color and cut. Addi had fun with Skipma while I was at the salon. The playdate was so much fun too, Addi had a blast playing with Harper and Hadley. At one point I looked over and Hadley was "feeding" Addi a block, but the funny thing was Addi was opening her mouth like it was food! It was hilarious! Thanks girls for letting us come over and play! Afterwards, we went out to the house, and Jeanette and the kids watched Addi while I got a massage! It was so great. We found out Addi likes gogurt! Haha, as I mentioned in a previous post, Addi has been a difficult eater lately. The kids tried to feed her babyfood, but she didn't want much to do with it, so they gave her a gogurt and she gulped it down! She ate two last night like really quickly. Today I went to Walmart and bought some, and then I had the bright idea to put her babyfood in the gogurt sleeve. Low and behold, she gulped down her babyfood! What a weirdo! Anyways, so after we got home last night, I put Addi to bed and Josh brought me home Taco Bueno. We love that place and now there is one fairly close to the house! Yay for great days!

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