I made these Sunday night for dessert and decided to post the recipe because a couple of people have asked how to make them and they are just so easy. Okay so first, you go to Kroger and in the baking section they have shortbread tartlets that are already made. Step two, I chopped up about a carton of strawberries and put a couple of tablespoons of sugar in with them and stirred them around till all the berries were coated. Put them in the fridge for however long you want to, minimum time is 10 minutes, I put mine in for about an hour. It just creates a sugary berry juice that is really good. Step three, I used a pint of heavy whipping cream with 3 tablespoons of sugar and beat it in my electric mixer till it had medium peaks. Probably 3-5 minutes on medium speed. To assemble you just fill the tartlet shell with berries then top with the whipped cream. I put my cream in a ziploc and cut the tip off so I could make them extra pretty. Finally, I grated some semisweet chocolate over the top. Pretty simple and definitely yummy!

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