Monday, September 24, 2012

To Addi on your 3rd Birthday...

Dear Addi, 

How on earth are you three years old?! It seems like yesterday that I thought I was going to have to be induced, but the morning of your birthday, I woke up with fierce contractions. Your daddy and I rushed to the hospital and got all checked in. They told us we weren't leaving, we were having a baby that day! I was so excited and nervous to hear that. I was so ready to meet you, but scared at the same time! 
 So many people were ready to meet you too!
 You gave me such an easy labor and came out within three pushes. You didn't cry right away and that worried me, but the doctor kept saying they didn't want you to cry because you had passed meconium and they didn't want you to aspirate. 
 I remember when they handed you to me, I was just amazed at how wonderful and perfect you were.  At that moment, our worlds changed and a piece of my heart had taken a human, physical form. 
 I fell in love with your Daddy even more.
 We had no clue how much was about to change! Haha!
 You continued to be a sweet and easy baby. You never really cried the whole time we were in the hospital, except when they gave you a bath. 
 This is still one of my favorite pictures.
 You had your daddy wrapped around your finger from day one, little princess. 
 Going home was so surreal. I kept thinking, "we don't know anything about babies, are you sure we can take her home!?"
 So beautiful.

 Our first night at home was so scary. I had no idea what I was doing, my milk hadn't come in and I was scared you were starving. We did everything you're NOT supposed to do, like giving you a bottle, a pacifier, and you slept with us, but we were all happy. And guess what, we all survived too.
 Your first bath was also an adventure. 
 I still can't believe how tiny you were!
 From the start you were a Razorback fan!
 This is the first time you really cried. You were 2 months old and I had eaten wings a few hours before. WHEW!! You literally hadn't cried ever so when you started screaming, we almost took you to the hospital. A quick call to Josh's mom put us at ease when she calmly told us that babies get gas sometimes and we should probably give you some Mylicon and bounce you around to soothe your tummy. Worked like a charm. :) 
 Your first round of shots broke my heart, but you were the bravest little bear.
 You started changing out of that newborn phase and starting looking more like a baby. I remember coming out of that fog and thinking, "okay, we can do this." It was so fun to see you interact more and recognize our faces. 
You've always had such a personality. Total strangers would stop us in the grocery store and compliment how gorgeous you were and you would give them the biggest cheese.  
 I was in shock when you turned one. It was the fastest year of my life!!!
 You continued to thrive and grow!
 And you got even more hilarious. 
 On your second birthday, you got a sweet present from your Papa.
 We added Belle to our family! You and her have been inseparable and best friends.
 I think your goal in life is to make people laugh. You LOVE seeing smiles and you really get a kick out of laughter. I hope you never lose that! 
 You've also always been fearless. A wonderful, yet terrifying trait. 
 You get sweeter and funnier with each day. 
 We found out you are going to be a big sister! I know you are going to be the best big sister in the world. 
Little Bear, we love you more than you will ever know. You've made my biggest dream come true. I hope that you always march to the beat of your own drum. You are such a character and you have the sweetest heart. God has big plans for you angel.  

Love, Mommy and Daddy.


  1. Happy 3rd birthday Addi!! Such a sweet post!

  2. Happy Birthday, beautiful girl!!!!

  3. Happy Birthday Addi!! Loved the post!

  4. hope your girl had a fabulous day! she just gets more adorable each day!

  5. Such a sweet post. :) Happy THIRD Addi! We always have so much fun playing with you and we are so excited to continue to watch you grow. :) We love you!


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