Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Scary Stuff

I'm so behind on blogging this week, but it's just been a hectic week. It seems like the week before Christmas always is that way! So, I had to blog this for my memories, even though I would very much like to forget it. Yesterday, around noon or so, I was in the kitchen making Addi and I lunch. I heard Addi run down the hall and slam her door (or so I thought). Not completely abnormal, she's been doing that, then she'll say, "come find me!" A few minutes later, I hear a huge crash. I ran back there wondering what in her room could have made that sound, and once I got to the back hallway, my stomach dropped because it was our door that was shut, not hers. I opened our bedroom door and found Addi underneath our dresser. Somehow, she had pulled this huge thing on top of her. My first honest reaction was I really thought she was dead. I grabbed the dresser and pulled her out, held her, and she started crying. She may have already been crying, but I didn't hear it. I checked to make sure she didn't have any broken bones, no gashes, no bruises. Once I saw she was "fine" I broke down. In hysteric sobs. Addi cried for maybe 2 minutes and then was over it. I couldn't control the crying. I felt guilt, sadness, relief, JOY that she was alive! I remember just praying out loud, "thank you God for saving her." I called Josh and even though Addi was "ok" I couldn't stop crying and so all he heard was, Addi and dresser. Finally, he got the message that she was ok, but I wasn't. Well, about 15 minutes later (yes, still sobbing) I notice Addi had blood on her shirt. Like big droplets of blood and I felt sick. I saw she was bleeding from her head, and I called Josh to come home immediately, I didn't know how big the cut was. Luckily, it was just a tiny little cut. Once Josh took over, I curled up in the fetal position and just laid there for a good while. It took me a long time to get to where I wouldn't just break down every time I saw Addi's head or shirt. Anyways, Addi is totally fine, Thank the LORD. During my moments of crying, she would take my head in her hands, and say, "you okay momma?" Which would make me cry even more. Love that sweet girl. :)


  1. Oh my goodness! I started crying just reading that! I am so glad that she is okay... and that YOU are too!

  2. So glad Addi's a-ok! I can't even imagine how scary that must've been...for both of you. :( My eyes literally tear up just thinking about it, and my belly does this crazy flip-flop thing!
    On a happy note, we had a really fun time today. :) Thanks for having us over!

  3. Aww! I think any of us mamas would have done the exact same thing. Things happen in a flash, and when they turn out ok all you can do is Praise God, and take note of what to do differently. My hubs has all of our stuff bolted to the walls, but if it weren't for him I may not have done stuff in our own room. The other day I caught my boy on a sofa table that we have that has a glass topper. I don't know how strong that glass is, and I don't know if he had been standing on it before I got to him. Luckily he wasn't heavy enough to break it, cuz I think it could have easily become a terrible accident.


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