Thursday, September 1, 2011

Accent Vlog!!!!

Alright, I did it! Jenna is having a link up over at her blog for all sorts of accent vlogs and this was so much fun. For several reasons. First, it's just after 2 in the morning. There should be a law that no vlogs are filmed after midnight for coherent reasons. Second, I'm a one take girl. So that was just what cropped up in the ole' noggin. Three, I never know where to look!!! So, it looks like I'm talking to someone, but I'm not...And fourth, what is up with that screen shot. Cheese and rice!!!

Anyways, so here it is!!!! Enjoy!


  1. I love your personality!
    And, you don't sound as Southern as I thought you would!

  2. So adorable! I agree about Boston accents - I loved the movie The Departed mostly because it was set in Boston & I LOVED the way they talk!

    Your new design is so cute! Loved the pink!

  3. Love it! Even though I'm pretty sure I do NOT say oil...just ole. Haha

    Have you seen the town? Thick Boston accents! And a good movie :)

  4. My mom's side of the family is from New Hampshire and they have a very similar accent to Boston. Funny I would love to have a southern accent! You of course are adorable as usual:)

  5. You are too freaking cute! Loved your accent and love your blog! I had no idea what it was called when it rained when the sun was shining either. :)

  6. You're adorable. :) And I'm soooo in awe of your cool one-take attitude! I'd be all, "Oooooh, I said something stupid, or I look like a freak, or I don't know what it's called when it rains and the sun's shining"...I really don't have a clue either!..."so I'll have to Google it and re-shoot," and it'd take me approximately ten THOUSAND tries before I finally shot something that didn't embarrass the heck out of me and my family. ;)

  7. love these accent vlogs. I'm still working on getting my husband to do one with me. ;)


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