Addi was cheesing at everyone that walked by her and then yelling at us if her puff/crunchie supply ran low. What a diva! After lunch, we went down to the River Market since the Farmer's Market was that day. It was really neat, but for some reason I thought it would be cheaper than a grocery store. Boy, was I wrong! Some of the produce like strawberries were so expensive. But, we did get some squash, okra and tomatoes. Addi was in her stroller and loved looking at all the cool things going on around her.
We also got a cupcake from this little bakery inside the market hall. The bakery's name is Brown Sugar Bakeshop, isn't that cute?

When we got home, Addi was ready for another nap, so we took one too! It started raining during our nap and it was just so relaxing. We were just lazy the rest of the day till we went over to Carson's house for his end of busy season party. Me and Addi only stayed for a little bit, but she had some good bonding time with her Uncle Carson. They watched some of Ice Age together and I've never seen that movie, but it's hilarious. I need to watch it again.
We had a bad night Saturday, Addi woke up four times! Ugh, it was very tiring, but she hasn't done it since, so I don't know what was going on. Sunday morning, I was so exhausted and Josh watched Addi while I slept in. I sure needed it! We went and ate lunch with Scott and Jeanette at Istanbul, this Greek place that we used to go to all the time, but hadn't been in forever. I forgot how good it was! The only bad part about lunch was when Scott spilled a full glass of ice water in my lap and then tried to blame it on Addi! Haha!
After lunch, we went to Fresh Market and just walked around and admired all of the wonderful things there. I did get this little jar of "pumpkin butter" that of course I had to have.
That night, we went to one of Josh's friends house for a birthday party. It was very fun and we got to try a lot of interesting foods! Addi had a great time because everyone wanted to play with her so she was pretty happy.
Hope y'all had a great weekend!

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