This past weekend was my very first Mother's Day as a mommy and it was so much fun! We had kind of a busy little weekend too. On Friday, Addi was with Skipper for most of the day, she had spent the night in Searcy on Thursday (which is a different post entirely-teething) so I slept until 11:00! It was so wonderful!!! When I woke up and got around, me and Josh went to eat lunch at Zaza's! I got a yummy salad and Josh got margarita pizza, they were both very good choices. After we got done eating, we walked across the street to Cupcakes on Kavanaugh and got a strawberry cupcake!
Skipper came and brought me Addi that afternoon, and we went to Walmart and I picked up the rest of the guest room furniture. We are painting tomorrow so sometime in the next week I will post a before and after pic. Addi surprised me by pulling up on this little tote that's in her room! I looked over and she was just standing and I was so shocked I called Josh, but apparently she's done that before!
We played for a long time in hopes to tire her out! Friday night we had a delicious dinner of fried backstrap, mashed potatoes, and grilled corn. Also that night, Josh got a call from Kyle...long story short, Kyle had appendicitis and had his appendix removed early Saturday morning! :(
Saturday, we went to Searcy and had lunch with Whitney and Andrew's family to celebrate his sister's graduation. It was fun to walk around Harding. We did have a bit of a "situation" at lunch. Josh was holding Addi at the table and Addi kept leaning forward trying to grab plastic wrappers and sugar packets. I told Josh to watch her because she kept putting them in her mouth. Well, I got up to get a piece of cake, come back and Addi is choking on something and coughing so hard she threw up! I swabbed her mouth with my finger and found two wrappers! Oooo I was so mad at Josh! Anyways, after that incident and I calmed down, we took some pictures. I wanted to get a family pic in the glass chapel, but there was a wedding going on.
After lunch, we headed out to Scott's house to swim. Addi looked so cute in her little bikini! We all got in, it was a bit chilly at first, but not bad at all. We had a group out there too! Scott got in and decided to give Addi her first swimming lesson. Let's just say, she didn't really care for the water after that, especially not after when I took her, I slipped and dunked her sideways. Poor little thing had such a hard day! Lila took her inside and comforted her and the rest of us had so much fun playing! I can't wait till this summer when we can do it again.
That night we had dinner at Pei Wei and we got to meet Kyle's parents! They are so sweet and I'm glad Kyle's dad finally got to meet Addi!
We made milkshakes that night and Addi slept almost 11 hours straight, that's how worn out she was.
Sunday morning, Josh made me chocolate chip pancakes which were sooo yummy. We didn't get to church because Addi wasn't feeling very well, but I did get to take a nap while Josh watched Addi. He had to go up to the lab for some of the day so me and Addi hung out and just did a whole lot of nothing! Addi got me a sweet card, flowers and a new Pandora charm for my bracelet! Thank you! For dinner, we went to Buffalo Wild Wings. We have waited so long for it to open! It was so good and I ate myself sick. It was a great first mother's day! Hope your weekend was good!

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