Today seemed like the longest day EVER! Partly because around 3 a.m. last night I was rudely awoken by a stomach bug. :( I didn't get back to sleep till 5 because every time I would lay down I would feel sick and have to go back to the bathroom. It was horrible! Addi woke up at 8 and although I should be happy she slept that long, I was dragging already. After I fed her and played with her for a bit, I handed her off to Emma so I could get some sleep before my meeting. I napped for about an hour and woke up feeling sick...still. I put Addi back down for a nap and decided I wouldn't be going to my meeting. I was looking forward to taking another nap, but Addi woke up after 45 minutes of sleep. I knew it was going to be a long day then, because she never does that. She consistently sleeps two hours in the morning. Blah. Anyways, I gave Addi some pineapple chunks and she LOVED them! She loves to feed herself, so her lunch was pineapple, bananas and crunchies. Josh came home for lunch today and Addi was so happy to see him, but I could tell she was a little confused at first. Like, is it 5:30 already? Haha! She's so funny. She waved hello for the first time today too! We were coming downstairs and she saw Emma and waved, so cute! The rest of the day went like this: Addi fussing, me trying to put her down for a nap, her fighting sleep, me giving in and playing with her, repeat. As a last ditch effort for a nap, we all loaded up in the car and went to get snowcones. I got a strawberry snowcone with cream and it was sooo good. Summer is here! Addi liked it too, I gave her a couple of bites since it was so hot and she couldn't figure out what it was. On our way back home Addi FINALLY fell asleep! We carefully brought her in the house and she slept for probably 20 minutes. Luckily, Josh had come home by then and she's always so happy to see him. We couldn't have gotten her in the bed fast enough tonight! Haha. I also didn't take a single picture today because I didn't have the energy to pick the camera up off the floor and plug the battery in the charger. Yikes! I'm sitting here right now watching Real Housewives of New York, waiting till 9:00 to go to bed. Here's hoping for a good night's sleep and no return of the evil stomach bug!
Fisher Family Pics
2 hours ago
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