These past few weeks have been pretty long. Not only have we been busy, but miss priss hasn't been sleeping very well, AT ALL. It's weird because she was sleeping like 11-12 hours a night straight like clockwork, but something changed a couple of weeks ago. At first I thought it was our weekend trip to Texarkana that messed her schedule up, but I would have thought by now she would be back on track. Let me give you a peek of what her nighttime schedule has been like, then you can feel sorry for me. Haha. Addi goes to bed at 7, is usually exhausted by then and has no problems going to sleep. Then the first wakeup happens sometime around 9 or 10. I feed her then she goes back down. The second wakeup happens like clockwork between 2 and 2:30. I have tried letting her CIO but she is pretty persistent. I feed her then back down, but this time it takes her quite a bit longer to go back down. Then, she will wake up around 6 like she did today and then sleep till 8. Agh!!! I just want a good stretch of sleep! I can tell it's taking a toll on me, I made plans Monday night to go to Sephora with Treece and totally forgot. And we had texted around 5 that afternoon. I just feel like I'm in a daze half the time. I hope this passes quickly! So moms, my question is, how long does this usually last?
Fisher Family Pics
2 hours ago
This happened with Eden too. She was on a real good schedule and would sleep through the night and then all the sudden she would wake up in the middle of the night. This lasted only a week or so, sometimes two until she her teeth cut through. This happened almost every time she would cut teeth. I would give her a little dose of children’s Tylenol before I fed her the first time I put her down. I also would put some oral gel on her gums to help ease them a little bit. This seemed to help a little bit. She didn't wake up quite as frequently. It also might be a comforting thing for Addi too since you are nursing her. I know my friend would tell me her little boy would do the same thing. I think for her it only lasted a week or so as well. Hang in there mom. Try and take a nap when she does. You'll make it through these dazed days. HAHA!