Well....for the last two nights, we have attempted to let Addi cry it out in her crib and learn how to put herself to sleep. The first night she basically cried for an hour before going to sleep. We went and checked on her and assured her we were still there, but we weren't going to pick her up. She slept for almost 6 hours before she woke up at 2 and we were so tired at that point we just brought her to bed. The weird thing is, I couldn't sleep without her. I haven't been this exhausted since she was a couple weeks old. Haha. Today though she just seemed so not herself. She was very fussy and just not very happy, but I successfully got her to take two naps in her crib, and at 6:45 tonight she went down for what we thought was the night, but she woke up an hour later. With a vengeance. We let her cry for over an hour and at that point, we both couldn't take it anymore. So she has now been asleep next to me for two hours and I can see her sweet little personality coming back. I just don't think that we (me and Addi) are ready yet for her to leave our bed. Haha, poor Josh he's just frustrated because I keep changing my mind so much. I don't blame him, I've changed my mind about this literally everyday. Haha, tis a woman's prerogative! But, at this point I'm just going with my gut instinct and when I feel like it's time for her to make the switch then we will try again. But until then, I'm so happy to have my little sugar lump cuddled up next to me!!!
Don't you worry!! You just do what's best for you and Josh and Addi! It's tough trying to figure out what works for the baby and what's going to benefit her in the long run! I remember going crazy over what to do with Anna-Kate (and even Thomas! haha) Good luck with whatever you decide to do! :)