Once we got back from church, Josh sent me straight to bed so they could start assembling Santa presents! Apparently, Addi had a huge one and they wanted me to be surprised too. :) I stayed up and read half of the Hunger Games. I've read it before, but I want to re-read them before the movie comes out. I was also so excited I couldn't sleep! Haha!
Scott made a delicious breakfast for all of us that morning. One of my favorite parts about Christmas morning. :) Addi played with this little cow that Jeanette got her. It starts laughing and rolling around if you walk by it. Addi got a kick out of it!

Seeing her big present!

A trampoline!!!?!?! Thanks Santa!!!!

Christmas morning extravaganza.

Addi was a little overwhelmed at first, being as how she just woke up and everything!

We decided to open presents and let her warm up to the idea of jumping.

Amber and Emma.


Josh FINALLY got a new phone. His is SOOO old!

Yay!!!! She loved it once she finally got in it!

We went to eat lunch at Josh's grandma's house after we were done with presents. She made the best turkey dinner with all the fixins! So good! It was so nice outside, we went and played for awhile in our pj's. :)

Addi liked laying in the leaves.

Throwing the football.

Next we went to Josh's mom's house. Addi was a pro at opening presents by then!

Check out her rainboots! Once she opened those, she wanted them on immediately and didn't take them off all day.

Sweet little red baby toms! LOVE!

We went back to Little Rock after Skipper's house and packed up to head to Texarkana. We made the rookie mistake of not eating before we left the house. I looked up online and found out IHOP and Waffle House are the only restaurants open Christmas Day. Both of these places were PACKED, so we just settled for chips at a gas station until we got to Texarkana. Oops.
The final chapter is up next!