Today was a great day! One of my best friends, Mia, came into town today for a little visit! I have to tell this story real quick, because Mia said some very sweet things to me today and I thought of this story after she left. So, some of you may know that two of my very best friends are Treece and Mia. We met in high school and have been besties ever since. We've been through ALOT of stuff and while we all live in different cities, and Treece lives in a different state, we are still best friends and probably always will be. Anyways, so in 9th grade I transfered to Harding Academy and I was having a hard time adjusting to the new school. Just typical stuff. I remember my Mom telling me she had been praying for God to send me a friend. A couple weeks later, Mia transfered to HA. My mom and her mom randomly met somewhere and Mia's mom told my mom that Mia needed friends too and she had been praying for her. Needless to say, when we met it was an instant connection! Mia and I hung out together SO much and it truly was God's hand that brought our friendship together. I'm so thankful for these two girl's and their friendship. I hope and pray that Addi finds life long friends like that one day too.
Kind of tearing up over here now. :) Anyways, so we went to Boulevard Bread for lunch. Neither of us had been there before and we wanted something sandwich-y for lunch. It was INCREDIBLE!!! Just very high quality ingredients and fresh food. So yum.
Mia got the Greek sampler plate. Looks so good!

I got smoked turkey on a baguette with avacado and provolone. Oh my word. Just so good.

This my friends, is a strawberry pan bread. The glaze on this is what will be flowing through the rivers of heaven.

Addi was just a dream through lunch. SO glad I could enjoy my sandwich in peace! Ha!

After lunch, we had to run to our car dealership to get the power charger fixed on my car. They had a little play area for kids that was very nice.

Then, we headed to TJ Maxx!!! I love that place!
Once Mia left, Addi and I headed to Church at Rock Creek to play with some friends!

I put this on Addi right before bedtime. My aunt sent her this tiara for Easter and she just loves it.

Such a busy but great day! Also, please keep those affected by the storms in your prayers. Part of Alabama got hit HARD today and watching video of the storm and seeing pictures is just unreal how bad it is. I am ready for these storms to be over with!
Hope y'all had a great day!!!